First Steps with Entities

Discover how entities, keyword groups with shared meanings, impact user queries. Explore the first steps with entities in our knowledge base.

How is this useful?

You can build a dictionary of entities from keywords, nouns, and synonyms, so that the virtual assistant can identify them when placed in a user query.

  1. Entities teach your virtual assistant synonyms, short forms, service or product names and jargons 
  2. Entities help virtual assistant detect specific user data or data formats with words to allow the virtual assistant to understand user intent eg. personal identification number, phone number, etc
  3. Entities accelerate virtual assistant training with less effort by combining intents that have similar variation

How does this work?

In order for the virtual assistant to understand jargon, abbreviations, particular nouns and synonyms, you must first let the virtual assistant know what these alternative ways of writing equate to. By telling the virtual assistant that these alternative words means the same thing, it will be better equipped in understanding the user’s intent.

For example:


Master Card, Visa, AMEX = Credit Card entity

Fever, cough, blocked nose = Flu Symptoms entity


email, webmail, e-mail = Email entity

password, passwd, pw = Password entity

Similarly for regex strings, by adding them as entities, the Bot will be able to identify the pattern as an entity

For example:


(0-1)/(a-z), (0-1)/(a-z), (0-1)/(a-z), = Email entity