
Set conditions for your virtual assistant to provide tailored responses based on user inputs. Enhance user experience with personalized answers.

Setting a condition allows the virtual assistant to respond with a specific answer based on the user’s inputs. Conditions allows you to specify whether to target, include or not include certain words or phrases.

For a specific content node to appear, there is usually a condition tied to it.  If a user’s questions are very generic, the default node will appear.  The default node is usually a generic response given if no specific product type is given.  However, if a specific product type is detected, the virtual assistant will be able to provide the answer for that specific product type. 

Example of a generic question: I would like to view the policy document.

Example of a specific question: I would like to view the hospitalisation policy document.

How is this useful?

Setting a condition will allow the bot to respond to a user’s more efficiently.  Usually when users engage with a chatbot, they have a specific purpose in mind.  By conditioning the bot to answer the user’s questions efficiently and accurately, users will be pleased after interacting with the bot, and will leave with a better experience. 

How do I set a condition for my content node?

  1. After a content node has been created, click on ‘+’, followed by ‘Condition’. 
  2. From the left dropdown list, select the entity. In the centre, choose ‘=’, and in the right dropdown list, select the entity type. 
  3. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the condition and the content node. 


Note that if you add more rows of conditions, it will be an AND condition, which means that the condition will only be true if all the conditions are being met. As long as one row of the condition is not met, the content node will not be true. AND conditions are more precise than OR conditions.