Businesses across the world are using the WhatsApp Business Platform to answer questions, provide support, progress a sale or otherwise send helpful information customers choose to receive. WhatsApp has recently introduced a cloud-based version of its platform, hosted by Meta, to help make it easier for businesses to use WhatsApp for business messaging. The Cloud API is a more scalable version of the WhatsApp Business Platform that allows businesses to grow their messaging more quickly.
An update about the WhatsApp business API hosting infrastructure. As WhatsApp have been beta testing a new, cloud-based version of its WhatsApp Business API, and at this time, this API is only available in alpha and beta to selected partners.
We are happy to share that KeyReply will be supporting Cloud API solution hosted by Meta the moment they have release the API in April 2022.

KeyReply have kickstarted by implementing the Embedded signup for businesses onboard to the WhatsApp Business API directly. This onboarding flow simplifies the current process, reducing onboarding from days to a matter of minutes. On top of that, with the offering to the cloud, businesses can more quickly transition to WhatsApp’s API platform to communicate with their customers.
The new cloud-based API aims to simplify things on that front by offering a much easier, and therefore faster, technical integration process.
With this, we can send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API. Compared to the previous solutions, the cloud-based API is simpler to use and is a more cost-effective way for businesses to use WhatsApp.
– “The potential to scale businesses faster with the launch of the Cloud API, hosted by Meta.”
Key benefits
Makes it easier to get access to new features: The Cloud API will become the preferred platform for new, interactive features that enable commerce and automation.
More scalable: The Cloud API scales much more easily and at no cost, allowing businesses to grow their messaging seamlessly.
Cost savings: The hosting services provided by the Cloud API are free, so you can invest in messaging growth rather than infrastructure and maintenance.
How to use the Cloud API
There is no work required for businesses working with Business Solution Providers to use the Cloud API. KeyReply can migrate you over seamlessly. You always have the option to roll back to the On-Premises API if you decide the Cloud API isn’t the right fit.
Security and privacy
With the Cloud API, every WhatsApp message continues to be protected by the Signal protocol encryption that secures messages before they leave the device. This means messages with a WhatsApp Business Account are securely delivered to the destination chosen by each business.
The Cloud API is hosted by Meta while WhatsApp continues to provide the underlying business messaging routing service.
Stay tuned for more updates from KeyReply!
Looking to Work with Business Solution Providers?
Want to become an official WhatsApp Independent Software Vendor (ISV) certified by Facebook? As a certified BSP, KeyReply can grant an official ISV license to start onboarding your end-clients to WhatsApp. Contact us to find out more!