How Intelligent Automation Helps Tackle Major Pain Points of Healthcare Institutions?

How Intelligent Automation Helps Tackle Major Pain Points of Healthcare Institutions?

Peiru Teo
August 30, 2022
How Intelligent Automation Helps Tackle Major Pain Points of Healthcare Institutions?

The healthcare sector is increasingly flourishing with technological advancements. This is an industry with patient care of utmost importance. While patients depend on healthcare institutions more than ever, it is essential for these institutions to keep up with effective management. Two major pain points that affect the seamless healthcare delivery process are:

Resource constraints

Having sufficient healthcare personnel helps achieve a seamless healthcare delivery process. Unfortunately, in healthcare institutions, particularly in rural regions, the availability of healthcare personnel is a significant challenge. A shortage of healthcare personnel contributes to poor population health management or healthcare outcomes. Moreover, resource constraints consume the valuable time of healthcare providers that can be better used for patient care.

Poor patient experience

A good patient experience is a success in how they are treated at different touch points in healthcare institutions, from first contact to follow-up treatments. Several factors that contribute to a poor patient experience include:

  • Lack of convenience for patients
  • The atmosphere of the healthcare institution
  • Longer wait times
  • Lack of transparency

Patients increasingly use offline and online channels to engage with healthcare providers, which can quickly overload clinics and service staff with direct inquiries, appointment booking, and referrals that circumvent contact centers. In this way, the patient experience and engagement will suffer due to the inconsistencies experienced by the patient at each touchpoint.

Intelligent Automation for a Better Solution

The current need for healthcare institutions is to achieve greater efficiency in healthcare by using the most advanced techniques and strategies. Different ways in which intelligent automation solves the problem of resource constraints, and poor patient experience are as follows:

Improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity

The healthcare automation process aids in achieving higher throughput and maximum accuracy and reducing critical errors and costs of healthcare institutions. It further allows for streamlining workflow and helps healthcare personnel to work with fewer roadblocks. In addition, intelligent automation makes the personnel available to assist more patients.

AI-based systems also take up all unexciting and monotonous tasks so that healthcare professionals can spend more time doing patient-centered work. Allowing healthcare personnel to perform work of their choice creates an enjoyable and rewarding experience and satisfies patient needs.

Reduces staff burnout

Continued exposure to manual, repetitive, and time-consuming workflow situations increases stress. Recurrent stress further contributes to burnout among healthcare personnel, affecting their morale and reducing patient satisfaction. 92% of healthcare professionals believe that spending too much time on administrative work contributes to burnout. Adopting intelligent automation takes off a load of repetitive tasks and helps the staff members focus more on complex or patient demands.

Reduced potential for medical errors

Intelligent automation in healthcare decreases the human element, reducing the risk of errors. This helps healthcare institutions provide more effective treatment to patients.

Healthcare automation helps in the following ways to reduce errors:  

  • Creates cases and adds notes across multiple systems, thereby reducing manual effort  d
  • Aggregates patient record across multiple systems so that the attending physician can have complete access to all the facts  

Intelligent automation for a seamless healthcare delivery process helps process data and reduce administrative errors by facilitating the exchange of information between departments.

Improves interoperability

A lack of interoperability results in an incomplete understanding of patients’ needs, leading to increased costs and poor outcomes. Using intelligent automation for interoperability supplies added benefits like:  

  • Easy data accessibility to healthcare professionals, leading to reduced miscommunication  
  • Ease in analyzing data trends and past performance, and make data-driven improvements  
  • Reduces redundant administrative work, leading to increased employee and patients satisfaction

Effectively contains costs

An automated workflow technology effectively reduces costs without negotiating supply costs. By eliminating human errors, reducing waste caused by operational inefficiencies, and dramatically increasing capacity, automation is beneficial in maximizing outcomes and reducing care costs.

How can KeyReply’s Conversational AI Platform create a better Path for Healthcare Personnel and Patient Care?

The KeyReply team tackles these pain points with its Omni channel capability. Our Conversational AI Platform can be deployed on the most popular messaging channels to engage with patients to ensure a consistent patient experience and track the patient’s journey. In addition, our Conversational AI platform aids healthcare personnel in the following ways:

For Healthcare Personnel:

  • Administrative Cost Reduction: Extract information from unstructured physician notes or medical documents for billing.
  • Clinical Decision Support and Policy Assessment: Help clinicians in decision support and keep up with the latest medical protocols and updates in medical databases. Healthcare professionals can also build their intellectual property with tech-compatible records of their clinical work.
  • Convenient Access to Data and Reporting in an all-in-one Platform: Smart search to find relevant information within large volumes of documents in shared folders, access rosters, and fast routine reporting, e.g., daily temperature records.
  • Smooth Transition of Care Across Teams: Facilitate referrals and information sharing from the clinical team to the healthcare professionals and primary care facilities.

We are an industry-defining patient engagement platform that transforms healthcare delivery processes into seamlessly orchestrated, 24/7 accessible care centered on each patient’s needs. Through greater automation of the first line of intervention tasks, such as realizing patient symptoms to supporting triaging, right-siting, and billing support, KeyReply’s Conversational AI platform is fully capable of ensuring a consistent patient experience throughout their journey with the Healthcare Provider.

For an Improved Patient Experience:

  • Proper Siting of Care with Symptom Triaging: Optimize front-line resources and reduce waiting times by helping patients identify the next course of action or the severity of the illness: stay at home, visit a primary care general practitioner or go to the A&E.
  • Move From Reactive to Proactive Care for Chronic Care: Enable patient-reported outcomes with IoT hardware devices to take readings (e.g., blood pressure, blood sugar) and flag out severe cases for follow-up while encouraging patients with good readings. This can scale up the care team’s coverage so that they can serve more patients.
  • Contact Centre Optimization: Automate top reasons for contact such as appointment management, medication top, and records request, allowing agents to take more complex requests and handle outbound calls.
  • Smooth Transition of Care Across Teams: Facilitate referrals and information sharing from the clinical team to the healthcare professionals and primary care facilities.

In short, KeyReply provides solutions that can be personalized and versatile in its ability to fluidly traverse multiple domains and departments’ pain points to solve them without increasing dependencies and costs.